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Becoming a Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT) has been such a rewarding experience and I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity. I was asked recently what I had to do to become certified. I answered that I did a 3 day course. Later I reflected on my answer and I realised that it has been a long journey. I should have answered that my interest in art and patterns started during my Bachelor of Arts degree, then developed through my art practice. A couple of years later I travelled over 16,000 kilometres to Providence, Rhode Island to learn the art of the Zentangle Method directly from the founders Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. The obstacles on that long journey took on a life of their own (including losing my suitcase along the way!) Since becoming certified I participate in workshops by other CZTs and CZT groups where we share our ideas and develop new tangles. The learning never stops – I am still developing as a Certified Zentangle Teacher.

I’d like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude and thanks to everyone who has done a workshop with me. I do hope that you’ve been inspired to grow on your artistic journey and persevere regardless of any obstacles that sometimes appear.

Obstacles and challenges are a normal part of our lives and they help us to grow into who we are. So often I reflect on them and realise that if I had not been presented with a particular challenge or obstacle then I would have missed out on an opportunity which enriched my life.

The Zentangle method reminds us that when we are presented with a challenge in our art or what we ‘perceive’ to be a mistake, this gives us the opportunity to go in another direction and draw something even better than we would have produced. It makes me grateful rather than regretful of the challenges that come my way.

I am at home today, too unwell to go to work. I have been so busy with helping my mother and my brother (who live in UK) and trying to learn my new job to the point of exhaustion that I’ve had no time for my myself or my art. So I’ve turned to Zentangle for the first time in weeks and I’m grateful for the opportunity today.

The Zentangle Method begins with gratitude for the opportunity to be creative and for the simple, beautiful art materials (tile, pen, pencil, tortillion). Then It ends with gratitude and appreciation. Gratitude is the foundation.

Thank you

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