Diva Challenge #210


This is my first ‘Diva Challenge‘. The requirement was a spiral string.

I’ve posted 3 progressive photos of the shading to compare. Sometimes I shade as I go and others times I shade at the end. Then there are times when I leave the shading for another session so that I can devote more energy to it. Shading can really make a huge difference to the finished piece of art.

It’s a string thing #84

Decided to start taking up the challenges and I thought this one looked easy! Well it was interesting to use pre chosen tangles – as naturally they are not usually the favourites. I found the whole process trickier that expected. However I’m definitely coming back for more! I used additional tangles to fill in extra spaces and that probably broke the rules… This challenge can be found at It’s a String Thing #84

String #83
Arrow heads – oops forgot them!

I also added

‘How to’ step outs and names of creators can be found at TanglePatterns.com